Saturday, August 15, 2009

Paper works...

I've been a little busy with work lately but I still manage to tend to the small details of our wedding. Just last week, our principal sponsors confirmed, and I added a junior bridesmaid to the entourage list. I included my god-daughter Jhemalin in the flower girls' list at first, but since I'm already done with the 3 tin baskets (it's impossible to make another one), I decided to just make her a junior bridesmaid (she being the tallest among the girls).

Tomorrow, we'll be starting on the papers and hopefully by the end of the week, we're done applying for the marriage license. The Local Civil Registrar said it would take 11 days for the license to come out. And off we go to Holy Family Parish afterwards to submit the other requirements together with the license.

I can feel the excitement building up!!! 3 more months to go!!!

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